Students can avail the school transport, subject to availability of seats.
The school does not entertain any request for changes in bus route to suit an individual's convenience.
Change of the bus stop for a day or a week is not entertained. As a rule such requests must not be made.
In case of any change in bus routes due to change of address, the application should be forwarded to the school reception addressed to the Principal. It will take at least 4 working days for bus allotment, subject to availability of seat.
Children availing the school transport will not be allowed to go with their parents/ guardians unless it is an emergency, or with the prior permission of the school authorities.
Parents of students are not allowed to travel in the bus.
Parents are requested to see that the children are escorted to & from the bus stops.
Children's escorts must be at the bus stop ten minutes before the arrival time of the bus.